Website Security

Security with ongoing maintenance

WordPress is great at keeping its core software up to date so that it is secured against vulnerabilities.

And if you use our hosting, then you are protected by some extremely advanced, server-level security from WP Engine.

But there are still malicious attackers who seem determined to find new ways of hacking websites. Your priority is to ensure your users’ information isn’t compromised and to keep your site free of malware and phishing software. And you certainly don’t want to get locked out of your site or have your access to it prevented unless you pay a ransom.

We can help enhance the security of your site with a number of additional security features. The most fundamental of these is to incorporate automatic backups. These speed up the restoration of your site in the event of a devastating attack.

We can also implement two-factor authentication, which helps by adding a second element when users log in. This means that if the user’s password has been comprised, the second factor still safeguards against unauthorised access.

Ecommerce websites are routinely secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which encrypt the data. But this security can be added on any website and brings additional peace of mind that “eavesdropping” attacks are blocked.

Another vulnerability in WordPress comes with the plugins that are used. As these are created by third-parties, they cannot be guaranteed to be up to date or to offer any protection against known threats or vulnerabilities. Not only can we advise you on the best, most trusted plugins to use, we can also ensure they are kept up to date, as part of a website maintenance package.

Website Maintenance

With a maintenance plan, you are assured that we will update your website regularly. This includes updating the WordPress core, as well as the themes and plugins used on your site.

These are all easily updated with WordPress, but can sometimes cause issues that are best handled by experts.

Equally, it’s not uncommon for plugins to not work well together, or to affect something in the functionality of a website. We’ve seen these sorts of problems before, and our experience and capability in handling them can give you peace of mind if you have issues.