Services / qala CMS

Get more out of WordPress with Qala CMS

We have worked with WordPress for a long time and have collected all the best solutions in a package we call Qala. With Qala, you take a big leap forward and get thousands of hours completed right from the ground up.

For whom is Qala?

Qala is aimed at companies that want a stable website that can scale up to be managed by a larger organization. With Qala, you get started quickly and through continuous updates, this is a future-proof investment.

Companies like Mercuri International and Plan International have used Qala and its components as they scale their website to be a tool for their global team. But also small, local business is a good fit for our platform.

By an agile process, we mean that a start-up package at a favourable cost is the basis for a developable publishing and marketing platform. We usually say that you should make smaller decisions more often, rather than big decisions rarely.

A selection of clients we have worked with

What Qala can offer

Multiple domains, languages & currencies

With the help of multisite, you reach visitors from all over the world, and our Geo-ip functions guide them correctly.


Get started quickly with ready-made modules for your site, add your own and customize freely. Everything is up to you.

Ready-made modules

Already in our starting project, there are enough modules for your project to be a success – and if something more is needed, we can quickly adapt the project to the needs.

High load

Qala is adapted to cope with very high loads. Qala contains unique components that can only be found with us, and this is what makes it unique.

High performance

We are constantly working to improve the performance of Qala and our innovation program has produced a number of unique solutions that impress.

Constant innovation

We are constantly innovating to make Qala better. As a Qala customer, you will continuously get to take part in the innovation that has become our signature.

A good foundation to stand on in your project

Qala has the most common features we have seen that you need as a marketer or publisher, along with a modern basic design. This means that we get started with your project very quickly and that we can deliver a functioning CMS site at an early stage of the project. Through an agile process, we then adapt and improve so that your site becomes a good investment.



If the recommended budget falls within the scope of a medium-sized project or larger, we will meet for a workshop. Where we produce the basis for a good project together with you.

Get started with Qala – book a demo!

Contact us and we will help you. We can be reached on +44 1273 613166 or via email [email protected]. Alternatively, use the form here.

What is included in Qala?

Qala’s starter project includes everything needed to create a normal web project. Together we map out whether you need more customized functions – regardless, Qala will always be our starting point as it provides fantastic value for money.

Qala light

Everything needed for a successful web project:

  • Cache
    Varnish cache set up and tailored to your needs
  • GDPR and Cookie Notices
    The tools needed to reach the statutory level.
  • Multilingual
    Prepared for multiple languages via MultilingualPress
  • Geo-IP
    Ability to forward visitors based on which country they are in.
  • SEO Tools
    Possibility to make all the settings you can think of around SEO.
  • Block library
    Our curated library of blocks where everything is designed for maximum performance and functionality. Updated continuously as we create new blocks.
  • Security
    WAF via Cloudflare, fail2ban & hcaptcha.

Qala Standard

Everything included in “Qala Light”, plus:

  • Performance guarantee 70+
    Guaranteed 70+ page speed via integrations to imgproxy image optimization & perfmatters.
  • Elastic search
    Ability to quickly search and get relevant search results – even if, for example, you misspell.

Qala Premium

Everything included in “Qala Standard”, plus:

  • Performance Guarantee 90+ (coming soon)
    Guaranteed 90+ in page speed via the ability to offload JavaScript with Partytown and reverse proxies away from the main thread.
  • Elastic filtering
    Ability to quickly filter large amounts of products and information with high speed and precision.
  • High Performance Facebook Retargeting ™ (coming soon)
    Ability to report retargeting directly at the infrastructure level. Increases backend performance up to 25%.

What does Qala cost?

Qala has two costs – one for the project, and another is the monthly cost for management, maintenance & possibility to get new versions.




2h / month maintenance

£150 / month hosting

This package includes everything you need to get started with your e-commerce. Book a demo with us to see what you get for your money.




4h / month maintenance

£150 / month hosting

This package includes everything you need to get started with your e-commerce. The difference to light is primarily that we have several background optimizations that make the performance considerably better. Book a demo with us to see what you get for your money.




8h / month maintenance

£250 / month hosting

This package includes everything you need to get started with your site. Our customers who choose this package usually start their projects with a workshop.

2h / month is added per 10 multisite instances
+25% maintenance cost if the instances have different themes OR +50% maintenance cost if the instances have different themes and plugins
The hourly rate for maintenance and ongoing work during the day is £ 150 / h including project management costs.

Need more things than what you see here?

In practice, most people need customized modules – but there are often fewer things than you might think. We are extremely good at not reinventing the wheel. Contact us and we will provide a free cost estimate that fits your needs. We’ve been working with WordPress since 2007 so there’s a good chance we’ve done something similar before.


  • Possibility of paywall / gated content
  • Integration to Zephr


  • Integration to Cision


  • Hubspot forms
  • Dynamics forms

Time to take the next step towards a more effective website?

Contact us, and we can talk more about how we can take your business to the next level together.