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Personalized WordPress Solutions for B2B Publishers Using Zephr

Creating first party data, improving customer experience and business intelligence by combining the world’s #1 CMS with Zephr, a best of breed identity and user journey orchestration platform.

B2B publishers have moved to digital-first experiences – some faster than others. In this white paper we share our experience of working with WordPress + Zephr as a successful tech foundation for a number of B2B publishing brands at a significant scale.

WordPress is the world’s #1 CMS – by an order of magnitude. One thing it doesn’t do well natively is identity management.

Identity management is a foundational capability for many other critical capabilities for publishers including:

  • Segmentation and personalisation
  • First party data (inc cross-estate)
  • Data capture (inc progressive profiling)
  • Registration and paywall
  • Mixed basket ecommerce
  • Integration with identity-dependent services

Download this white paper for free for a practical guide to using Zephr to augment WordPress with identity and user journey orchestration functionality.

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