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Why WordPress websites are essential for modern businesses

For many businesses, the website is the face of the company. It is what makes you stand out from your competitors and makes your customers want to come back for more. If your website starts to look outdated, so will your business. A large percentage of your customers (if not all) will only experience business with you through your website. If they’re disinterested because your website’s appearance or function is dated, your revenue will suffer. This is particularly true for eCommerce and businesses that do not sell face-to-face.

To stay ahead of your competitors and to be the leader in your industry, it’s vital to have a modern website.

Modern websites:

  • Are responsive – Your website adapts and renders well on all screens in all sizes.
  • Have an easy-to-follow conversion path – To make it simple for customers to buy from you, maximizing your profits.
  • Are built for high-quality user experience – This is done by being accessible to all website visitors regardless of their software or any physical or sensory impairments.
  • Are uncluttered – Modern websites only feature necessary information and imagery.
  • Are scalable – Your website should grow as your business does.
  • Are fully integrated with social media platforms – This is done by adding meta tags so that when your website gets shared on social media platforms, your business and products are shown to their target audience.
  • Have a simple-to-use CMS (Content Management System) – This is so everyone in your company can update your website, no matter their experience.
  • Clearly demonstrates what you do – This is best done through sharp imagery and key messages so that visitors know exactly what you’re offering, the moment they land on your website.

Are your website checking all of the above? If not, it’s time for an update.

WordPress websites: The main benefits

Making the move to WordPress is a wise decision if you want a competitive website.

WordPress is open-source web software that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It has a fantastic reputation with website developers and business owners the world over for its versatility, reliability, and ease of use. For years, the platform has been a trusted choice for businesses of all sizes to modernize their websites. Its ongoing reliability ensures it will remain a safe and dependable option for your website needs, for years to come.

Important WordPress website features:

  • Plugins – These allow you to add new features to your website without any development work. Plugins can come in the form of widgets, add-ons for your CMS or can even manipulate the way your website functions. By using WordPress websites, when you decide to update your website with a new newsletter sign-up form or Instagram widget you can just download a WordPress plugin to do that for you. Of course, if you want something more specific like a bespoke plugin you can just get in touch with us to develop that for you!
  • Widgets – These are blocks of code that perform a certain function, such as a Twitter feed widget, or a text widget. You can just swap and change the widgets by dragging and dropping them into your sidebars and footer (Also known as widget-ready areas) within the CMS.
  • Categories – You can keep your products and services organized with WordPress’ straightforward categorizing system.
  • eCommerce – Simply add eCommerce to your WordPress website by using WooCommerce.

Improve your workflow and systems

If you run an online business in replacement of a brick-and-mortar premise, updating your website to WordPress is vital. Not only will it improve the way your business appears to customers, but it can significantly enhance the way you run your business.

The WordPress CMS is so simple and easy to use that anyone within your company can update your website’s content. This removes the hassle of relying on a webmaster (Someone who manages and maintains your website) to update your website for you. With the option to add as many users as you’d like to your WordPress CMS, every employee within your company can have a user account. You can also eliminate the issue of users accidentally deleting or editing content or functions by allocating them specific roles (each with their own level of permissions) within WordPress.

Already with WordPress?

If you’re not getting the results you’re after from your current WordPress website, a redesign might be in order. For example, if you get lots of traffic but your conversion rate is low, that’s a sign that your website has the potential to make you money, it just needs a refresh.

A redesign doesn’t have to mean a total rebuild of your website. It could just mean integrating the following into your pre-existing WordPress website:

To increase your revenue, we recommend adding:

  • A review system – A customer is more likely to buy if a product is reviewed.
  • eCommerce – This will make it easier for your customers to buy from you, especially if customers currently have to call up to buy from you, instead of being able to checkout on your website.
  • Stronger call-to-action widgets – This will maximize your conversion rate.
  • Cross-promotion widgets – To increase the number of sold items per transaction.
  • An event calendar – To showcase all your upcoming events and increase event ticket sales.

To improve your digital marketing efforts, we recommend adding:

  • Social media integration – Linking your website to your social profiles, and allowing for social sharing.
  • A newsletter sign up form – To increase your subscriber list.

To improve usability:

  • Improving your navigation menu – To clearly demonstrate your whole range of products or services, improving your user experience.
  • Increase your website’s load speed – Visitors will exit a website if it takes too long to load.
  • Improve readability – This can be done by increasing the font size, letter spacing, and line height, and contrasting the font color with the background.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you modernize your WordPress website.


How we’ve helped businesses modernize by redesigning their WordPress websites


Amongst our recent work, we not only modernized one of our client’s websites, but we greatly improved the way they did business too. Posture People make work environments more comfortable by providing ergonomic-friendly furniture and workspace consultations. When they came to us, the Posture People team found their customers were struggling to easily order their products online. By moving them to a custom-built eCommerce WordPress site, we improved the customer journey and checkout process so that customers could browse and buy their products and services with ease.

View our portfolio to see the way we’ve modernized our client’s websites!

If you come to us looking to improve your business and maximize your conversion, we do the following:

We build:

  • A flexible website, enabling it to be continuously developed and optimized to keep it up to date.
  • A fully accessible and responsive website so that it renders on all screens of all sizes.
  • Sharp, classic web design that can be easily adapted to grow as your business does.

We provide:

  • Training for customers, which extends to everyone within the customer’s organization who will be required to update the website. This is so they can do as much as possible to update and manage their website independently of us.
  • Very direct contact with customers that allows for a dynamic level of insight from customer interaction.
  • The installation of eCommerce, forums, and building your own social media platform within your WordPress website.
  • Integration with business systems such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems.

If you want to learn more about how Angry Creative can help you provide a high-quality, user-friendly, and competitive WordPress site, schedule a meeting with our expert, Amy, today!