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Improve your next email marketing campaign with these 7 actionable tips for MailChimp

Building an email list of individuals interested in your organization is one of the most powerful assets in your marketing toolkit. Crafting a well-thought-out email marketing campaign, targeting a group of people who have expressly chosen to receive regular updates directly in their inbox, is one of the highest ROI activities you can do for your brand’s marketing efforts.

We’ve told you before about MailChimp, our preferred email provider, and explained why you should and how you can start sending emails from MailChimp.

But what should you include in these emails?

Here are 7 key things that you should be (and probably aren’t yet) doing in your email marketing campaigns:

  1. Add social sharing buttons near the top of your emails to show subscribers where else they can find you.
  2. Use the MailChimp buttons widget to make clear calls to action.
  3. Send emails regularly to stay top-of-mind. You will always find something interesting to share (more on that below).
  4. Add your logo to the top of the email and make it a link to your website.
  5. Link all images.
  6. Keep your emails short and concise. You’ll be surprised how little of your email will be read.
  7. Test out different times to send your emails. Your client/customer base will be different from everyone else’s. There is no magical best time to send a campaign so try a few different times and days to see which gives you the best results.

Your emails are the best way of getting a punter’s attention. People will interact with your organization in different ways online but will rarely know about all the stuff you might assume they do.


If they are buying your products, do they know about the blog you write? If they’re following you on Instagram, how will they know about the competition you are running on Facebook? When you are tied up day-to-day in the marketing of your organization, it’s easy to assume that people are seeing all your messages and are aware of all the latest happenings in your organization.

But most likely, they’re not.

Your followers might be too busy to see everything, social media algorithms might keep your posts from newsfeeds, plus they’re being bombarded with dozens of other messages at the same time. It’s noisy out there and it might take a few interactions and reminders for your fans to take the action that you would like them to take.

An email marketing campaign is the most powerful way of getting your messages across, giving you access to the inboxes of people who have expressed an interest in what you are doing. Rather than disappearing from their newsfeed over time, an email will stay in their inbox for them to stumble upon time and time again until they choose to delete it. So don’t make the mistake of assuming they know about everything you are doing, just because you posted it online.

All good marketers tell people their news by email, you should too.

  • Tell them about new products you have recently launched
  • Invite them to events you will be attending
  • Get them involved in your charity initiatives and campaigns
  • Share your recent blog posts
  • Direct them to competitions you are running on social media
  • Introduce them to partners and collaborators
  • Advise them of any changes to your terms and conditions
  • Remind customers of important dates, such as the final dates for offers, promotions, and product launches.
  • Announce when you join a new social media platform or introduce a new sales channel

And just watch your online sales increase!