What is included when you become
a customer of Angry Creative?

Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect as our customer. This is our approach, whether you’re starting a new project, seeking ongoing management, or pursuing further development.


When you become our client, we take care of operating and hosting your website alongside providing maintenance and support. The scope of these services is customized to meet your specific needs.


We continuously enhance our WordPress and WooCommerce solution, Qala, ensuring our customers benefit from ongoing innovation—at no additional cost.

Project management

To ensure a successful collaboration, we assign a dedicated project manager to each project. They oversee tasks such as sprint planning and serve as your primary point of contact.

Business development

We offer all our customers the chance
to continuously improve their
business and website. We are
implement your ideas or
come up with your own suggestions for improvement.

Proactive maintenance and accessible support

We provide hosting and proactive maintenance, ensuring your website stays up to date. If any issues arise, we’re always available for support. The type of solution and level of time commitment we recommend depend on factors like your website’s traffic and how often you require assistance.

An agile work process with your interests at the forefront.

We follow an iterative work process, breaking the project into “sprints,” which typically last 1-2 weeks. Each week, your project manager will hold a reconciliation with you to review progress, discuss any requests, and address changes in project priorities. This ensures that you, as the customer, always have control over the direction of the project.

Business development that takes your business to the next level

Whether we’re just beginning our conversation or have been working together for a long time, we always aim to add value for you as a customer. With the support of our experienced business developers, this process is seamless. Development can be done through a monthly time bank or on a more occasional basis, depending on your specific needs.


Angry Creative hjälpte oss att skala vår
WooCommerce E-handel internationellt.
Resultatet hjälpte oss att sätta rekord på
Black friday med ett antal orders som
väldigt få e-handelsbolag i Sverige
mäktar med.

Joachim Lindström iDeal of Sweden

Angry Creative hjälpte oss att få dubbelt
så mycket för pengarna genom att välja
WooCommerce jämfört med andra


Det finns många aktörer inom
e-handelslösningar baserat på
WooCommerce. Angry Creative är en av
de få som lever upp till epitetet expert
inom detta område.

