For existing WordPress and WooCommerce websites, we can take over and continue their development from your current provider. If you’re seeking further development for an existing site or simply need a reliable partner to manage it, our services are tailored for you. Angry Creative only offers support for sites we manage. To take over a site we haven’t built, we begin with a comprehensive takeover process.
How does takeover fit in?
Development Support
For those with an existing website who require more extensive development work beyond the small adjustments and changes covered by support.
Hosting & Support
Angry Creative provides mandatory hosting, management, and support services for WordPress-based websites we handle. The takeover process enables us to deliver continuous, high-quality services.
How do takeovers work?
Before taking over your website, we conduct a thorough review of your design, code, and SEO. This helps us understand your site in detail, ensuring we can manage it effectively and provide the best advice on the most cost-efficient way forward.
The audit results in a comprehensive report that outlines our findings. This report includes a list of action points, some of which must be completed to meet Angry Creative’s standards and allow us to proceed with the takeover process.
Angry Creative is committed to standardization. To take over a website, we ensure it meets our rigorous standards. These standards enable us to efficiently maintain and develop your site, guarantee high-quality code, and ensure our entire development team can begin work seamlessly and without delay.
Once all mandatory actions from the audit are completed, we are ready to migrate your site from its current hosting and begin providing ongoing services. Migration requires careful coordination, particularly for commerce or LMS sites, to ensure uninterrupted availability for your visitors.
The takeover is complete!
Once the site has been migrated, we take on the hosting and management, enabling us to provide ongoing support and further development services tailored to your business needs. You can rest assured knowing that we have full responsibility for the site, ensuring its performance and growth.