We are named both Gazelle company & Super company!

We were recently named both a Gazelle company by Dagens Industri and a Super Company by Veckans affärer.

What does this mean? These awards are given to companies that excel in these areas simultaneously:

  • Growth
  • Profit
  • Return on investment
  • Efficiency
  • Capital structure
  • Financing

In short, companies that receive these awards are extremely efficient and succeed in the art of profitability while growing, and every person in the company is used effectively to deliver value to customers. Profits are then smartly managed by the company and create value for the business.

We are extremely proud and grateful for the awards of course. We have worked very hard for many years to grow so that we can become an organization where we have the leeway to really start creating added value for our customers, where every penny invested gives a real added value. Especially for our WooCommerce customers, this will be extra clear in the coming years.

We thank you for the confidence and conclude by saying that “All the best has not happened yet”.
