When Jimmy Rosén first started working with the web, it was during the early era of CMS solutions. As he learned more about the importance of open source and web standards, he became increasingly annoyed by the poor, non-standardised code that these programs produced.
Something that angered Jimmy over the years was the fact that these tools were both proprietary and produced bad code for his clients. So when he was ready to start an agency that appreciated open source and web standards, he called it Angry. Not because we’re angry, but to remember our origin and purpose. To remind us that open source is something we need to appreciate, contribute to and defend, not something we can take for granted.
Oh, and the creative part? All Swedish digital agencies back then were called [Something] Creative (or similar buzzwords).
So there we have it. Angry Creative.
Want to know how Angry Creative can help your business? See what services we can offer or contact us today!