At Internetdagarna 2015, a meetup entitled WordPress means business was held. The event included WooThemes founder Magnus Jepson and his colleague Joel Bronkowski, along with a host of other familiar and new faces.
Jimmy Rosén from Angry Creative was there and talked about what factors a WordPress project needs for the project to be successful. There was a lot of talk about agile project management, setting expectations, reconciliation meetings and management techniques. Thanks to Jack Oderland for the photo.
Jimmy Rosén from @angrycreative will give us tips for more efficient #WP projects. #Ind15 #wpday #SuzanInforms pic.twitter.com/vxkhaSRgGr
– Suzan H Lindberg (@SuzanHLindberg) November 23, 2015
Now tips & tricks for WordPress projects with Jimmy Rosen, productive @angrycreative #ind15 #WPdagen #wpmeansbizness pic.twitter.com/YbPlFWHxPt
– Therese (@tdavidsson) November 23, 2015
The WooThemes story
WooThemes told us about its journey from a startup to today being one of the world’s largest e-commerce platforms and the journey to becoming part of Automattic.
Unfortunately the track was not filmed (hence no video of our presentation), but we managed to film WooThemes from a mobile phone, here with technical glitches and other things cut out :).
An interesting story that we hope inspires others.