Search Engine Optimization & Advanced Custom Fields

Get more control over your search engine optimization.

One of the most important parts of online marketing is SEO (search engine optimization). At Angry Creative, we put a lot of focus on ensuring that the code we deliver to our clients meets the guidelines that are highly valued by search engines such as Google.

Yoast SEO & Advanced Custom Fields

But a website’s search engine optimization is only as good as its actual content, which is why we always make sure the Yoast SEO extension is installed on every website we launch.

The plugin helps analyze how good the website content is and provides feedback on what can be improved. But a big problem is that it only analyzes “regular” WordPress content, which might work for small sites and blogs, but when building more advanced sites, the need to create custom fields and special types of content increases.

One of the most popular add-ons for doing this is Advanced Custom Fields. Since Yoast SEO is unable to analyze content created with ACF, we have now released an extension that solves this problem.

ACF-Content Analysis for Yoast SEO

ACF-Content Analysis for Yoast SEO submits all content to Yoast SEO and makes it analyzed together with the regular WordPress content.It is a rather complex operation as you actually have no idea unless you built the site yourself how the ACF content is actually used on the site, but it gives a much better insight into what the site contains. It is no more difficult than installing the option, activating it and then it will just work.
Open Source

We love open source and therefore release as much as we can on e.g. Github! If you want to check out how the extension works or send a pull request, check out our repo.
