Internship: Third and first week.

When exactly does something become a tradition? According to the Swedish Academy, something is a tradition when it is an “old custom”. This means that the trainee blogging every Friday cannot be counted as a tradition quite yet. Rather, it is a routine, or “a habitual way of working”, as the Academy would put it. I wrote a lot about routine last week, so I won’t go into it other than to say that it’s something me and my new trainee colleague Christoffer largely lack.

So it’s quite good to, together on our own project, explore the way of working here at the web agency. The idea is that we work as a team of two where I am the designer and Christoffer is the developer. Together we will go from start to finish on a very special project. Writing user stories and playing appreciation poker was not something I had done before. But they are nevertheless two elements of the process that I find very instructive and good food for thought. Going from start to finish means for us to first shape the outlines of the concept for the website. Then it’s a matter of pouring out functions that we think should, ought to, and possibly can be included. Then we have to prioritise based on the budget. We prioritised the functions and planned a first release. That release will only contain what is at the top of our priority list.

But! It’s a week away, and we don’t really want to offer a taster just yet. We’ll see if there might be something next week. So for now, Christoffer will continue with his code karate and I’ll return to paper and pencil for logo sketching. Have a great weekend!
