It’s almost my last week here at Angry Creative. So it might be a good time to write a blog post about how we interns have worked together.
It all started with two and two in a team. One designer and one developer. Planning sprints and estimating time.
For three weeks now, Christoffer and I have been working together in a team. Our team is meant to be a tight working group where designer and developer work side by side. We have actually done that, quite literally, because we are actually sitting at separate desks next to each other. Apart from spatially, we have also worked side by side with memecak.es in terms of planning and execution as well.
The first thing we started with was setting up a project in Basecamp. It’s a web-based project management and collaboration tool. In Basecamp you collect everything related to the project, from user stories to server tasks. We have organised the work so that we work with versions weekly. So every Monday we post what we think we’ll have time for during the following week as tasks in Basecamp. Then we work through all the points as best we can.
Every morning, the whole office has a daily stand up, but it’s not jokes that are the main focus. Instead, each person talks about what was done yesterday and what needs to be done today. They also tick on the whiteboard if any points have been completed.
Every Friday, like today, everyone goes through how the week has gone and what has worked awesome and what has worked less awesome.
To summarise: Two and two teams with a designer and a developer is clearly a good way to develop a website.