Internship: Second week

It’s been two weeks since I started my internship here at Angry Creative. I’m feeling more and more excited every day, and today I got to do some classic intern work. When the office was being hoovered, Jimmy pointed at me and said “you can hoover”. It may sound like a shitty thing to do, but it was just because it’s cleaning day. Sammy did the dishes, Robin mopped and Jimmy took out the rubbish. It’s the kind of thing that needs to be done and yet goes very smoothly when everyone helps out.

Another routine here in the office is Friday breakfast. This week it was actually a Thursday breakfast, but still. Breakfast is a great opportunity to review the week and see what has worked well and what has worked less well, while building a team spirit. Because it’s important to get along and work well together in a company with only a few employees. Maybe especially if you come in as a new member of the group, on an internship for example.

I feel like I’ve ended up in a good place anyway, and that I’ve fit in well with the ‘angry’ crowd. I expect the rest of the internship to be just as good. In addition, the next intern shows up on Tuesday, fun! Now I’m off to lunch and the weekend. (And enjoy an Easter egg with candy. Ohmnomnom.)
