WordPress Guide: 9 helpful resources for those with a WordPress site

We’ve put together a WordPress guide with our most valuable resources for your WordPress site and our processes, so you can get the most out of your new site even after launch.

WordPress – Pros and cons

We’ve written an introduction to the WordPress platform, covering its advantages and benefits over other CMSs and potential limitations (and how to overcome them!). We discuss theme and plugin development, future-proofing your site and software licensing.

Domains, nameservers and hosting for WordPress sites

We cover the technical requirements to help you publish a website on your own self-hosted domain. In the guide, we go over how we can help you with your domain, nameservers, hosting and maintenance. Also website backups and how to set up your email.

Accessibility customisation, code validation and browser testing

Learn how your website follows accessibility guidelines to ensure everyone can easily use your website. Here we’ll go over tests for desktop and mobile browsers, web maps (the different types, what they are and how to set them up), how and why we validate our code with W3C validation tools, and how we follow web accessibility best practices.

Web fonts for WordPress

Using web fonts is a great way to improve the readability and appearance of your website. In this guide, we list the top web font techniques and compare their pros and cons.

Content from Angry Creative

Introduction to visitors, traffic sources and engagement for WordPress sites

In this guide, you’ll get to think about your website visitors, what traffic sources they come from, and how you can get your visitors to engage with your products, services, and content. A must-read for new website owners and those looking to improve the user experience for their visitors.

Introduction to content strategy for WordPress sites

In this introduction to content strategy for WordPress sites, we’ll walk you through the substance, structure, workflow, and governance of an underlying content strategy around which you can plan your site’s content. We also go through the structure of your sitemap and how to submit your content to us so that we can upload it to your new site.

How we optimise your website for SEO

Discover how your WordPress site is already optimised for SEO before you even start working on it.

Social media options for WordPress sites

We’ll walk you through the value of integrating social media into your WordPress site and cover the different integration options available to you along with their unique benefits.

Why update WordPress?

We’ll walk you through the five main reasons why you should update WordPress software when a new update becomes available. If doing it yourself seems daunting, you’ll be pleased to know that we offer a managed WordPress hosting service that includes monthly scheduled updates covering the WordPress software itself as well as plugins and themes. Make sure you read the article if you want to understand the importance of updating WordPress. Want to learn more about WordPress and get access to useful tools? Check out our 12 resources for developers and site owners to take your WordPress site to the next level.

Curious about how easy it is to integrate HubSpot with WordPress? Learn how to do it smoothly and efficiently on the HubSpot Integration with WordPress page.

We hope you’ve found our WordPress help resources useful! If you want to know more about any of the aspects we mentioned here, or if you feel like you need help with your site, don’t hesitate to contact us!
