Create first-party data, improve customer experience and business intelligence by combining the world’s leading CMS with Zephr, the best identity and user journey platform.
B2B publishers have moved to digital-first experiences – some faster than others. In this whitepaper, we share our experience working with WordPress Zephr as a successful technology foundation for a number of B2B publishers at significant scale.
WordPress is the world-leading publishing platform in many ways. One thing WordPress is not as good at naturally is identity management.
Identity management is a foundational functionality for many other important features for publishers, including:
- Segmentation and personalisation
- First-party data (including cross-border)
- Data collection (including progressive profiling)
- Registration and paywall
- Ecommerce with mixed shopping basket
- Integration with identity-dependent services
Download this whitepaper for free for a practical guide on how to use Zephr to extend WordPress with identity and user journey functionality.

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