Inspiration with Qala

Qala is our product for the perfect e-commerce solution with WordPress and WooCommerce along with everything you need for a full-fledged e-commerce platform.

With our product comes a basic theme that is really nice out of the box. Stylish and modern. It doesn’t take much to customise it for your own brand.

Visualising what websites could look like is not always the easiest thing. Luckily, we have eminent designers who can help us with that.

One of our designers has put together some examples of how cool you can make Qala’s theme without major changes. You also get a sense of the wide variety of modules/blocks that Qala offers.

Qala – Concept Gallery

Check out these concepts created using Qala as a platform. Click on the image to zoom. Click on the buttons below to choose which version you want to see.


Qala Standard CMS/Ecommerce Concept
QalaEcommerce / CMSQala comes standard with a clean design that would suit most websites. With our custom modules and blocks, you can create layouts for anything you can think of.

Qala (Dark)

Qala (Dark) Standard CMS/Ecommerce Concept
Qala (Dark)Ecommerce / CMSQala comes standard with a clean design that would suit most websites. With our custom modules and blocks, you can create layouts for anything you can think of.


Velour Qala Fashion Ecommerce Concept
Velour E-commerce / FashionQala also works perfectly as an e-commerce platform for fashion, here as the Velour concept. Bright and stylish to emphasise products and models. Image elements can be nicely combined with texts.


Palmo Qala Travel Agency Ecommerce Concept
Palmo – E-commerce / TourismQala as tourism e-commerce, here as the Palmo concept. In a relaxed colour scheme that will make you long for the beach.


Cellsat Qala Retail Ecommerce Concept
Cellsat – E-commerce / RetailQala also fits retail like a glove. In this concept called Cellsat we see Qala in a near standard design. Stylish with the products in focus.


Qiteon Qala SaaS Ecommerce Concept
Giteon E-commerce / SaaSOffer the services with the help of Qala, here as the concept Giteon. An e-commerce platform in a dark, modern design.


Mint Qala Digital Agency CMS Concept
MintCMS / Digital AgencyQala also works perfectly as a CMS platform, here as the concept Mint. Qala’s range of layout options shows its mastery in variety.

If you want to realise your vision, do it with Qala!

Contact us so we can talk more about how Qala can help you achieve your vision and how we can help you with a more business-friendly web!
