No broken links with WordPress 4.6

The latest WordPress version, WordPress 4.6, includes several new features that make life a little easier for web editors. These include automatic link checking and smoother updates.

On Tuesday, August 16, the live version 4.6 of WordPress was released, preceded by two betas and a release candidate. 272 people have participated in the work on the release.

It’s not a big release, but it contains several small improvements that make the experience for editors a little better:

Automatic link checking. The new version automatically checks that a link is correctly formatted and highlights incorrect links in red when working in visual mode. If you use the link tool, you won’t have to deal with broken links due to carelessness with an address.

Updates are done on the same screen. Meaningless intermediate pages when updating themes and plugins have been removed.

Utilizes built-in fonts. Previously, WordPress used the Open Sans font for the administration interface. Now it utilizes your operating system’s default font. This speeds up systems.

Avoid content loss. The new version saves what you type in your browser every 15 seconds, so you don’t lose content if you have a connection problem. When you reconnect to the server, the version will be saved in the browser as it is the latest.

Latest translation. Now WordPress will download the latest translation of WordPress or any plugin as soon as it is available.
Learn more about WordPress 4.6 at
