(this list is a work-in-progress)
When you have a blog, it’s always nice if more readers can see and read what you write. Then it is good if the page is indexed by several different services that people sit on automatically. You do this by using RPC. In short, you give a little “nudge”, or “Ping” as it is popularly called, where you tell other pages that your page is updated. Many of the popular plugins for WordPress do a lot of this automatically (at least they tell Bing & Google etc), but the Swedish services are especially important that we add.
Adding RPC services can be seen as four steps;
- Add general services
- Add general services with hand layering
- Add specific services
- Add other services
- Check the list
Before you go ahead and fix this, it’s a good idea to check that your RSS feed is actually working properly. You can do this with Feedvalidator.
1: General services
If you use WordPress, for example, you should add these to your settings and then always ping these every time you write a post. This is a relatively simple maintenance, just run a copy-paste on this list and then look happy and happy.
2: General services with hand imposition
There are a couple more services that might be good to ping. However, these require a little hand-picking first before we can get started. Some simply require us to categorise our posts, some require us to register.
- http://nybloggat.se/categories/ – Select category to ping.
- http://bloggportalen.aftonbladet.se/BlogPortal/view/Register
- http://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=[URL TO YOUR SITEMAP] – Links to your XML sitemap
- http://search.yahooapis.com/SiteExplorerService/V1/updateNotification?appid=[YOUR YAHOO API ID]&url=[URL TO YOUR SITEMAP] – Requires a Yahoo! API key.
- http://intressant.se/ping/ – Get listed on intressant.se (Recommended: MANUAL link to http://intressant.se/intressant in the post)
3: Specific services
Since there are quite a lot of blogs and bloggers, it is important that you get listed in the “right” places. For example, if your writing is mostly about politics, you should be registered on as many politician blog-related services as possible.
- Politometer – Politics
4: Other services
4.1: Automatic services
- http://ping.blogs.yandex.ru/RPC2 – If you have a page in Russian
- http://ping.baidu.com/ping/RPC2 – If you have a page in Chinese
4.2: Services with hand imposition
- http://www.sina.com/ – If you have a page in Chinese
- http://www.naver.com – If you have a page in Korean
5: Check the list
Now that we’ve added a bunch of RPC services, it’s good if we can try them out. Lists have a tendency to grow uncontrollably if they’re not audited, and thePINGlist allows us to check that our RPC services are working. It also makes an attempt to rate our list.
The information for this article has been taken from various sites on the Internet. It is summarised below.
http://www.arboundy.com/2010/12/2010-2011-definitive-wordpress-blog-ping-list/ – A list of international RPC services.Offline 🙁- http://borjablogga.se/svenska-pinglistan/ – A list of Swedish RPC services.
More tips are warmly received, especially on point 3.