Welcome to Angrycreative.se, have we seen it before? As the attentive return visitor has probably noticed, we look a little different. New time, new place. We are expanding and renewing. Refining the appeal and tone. Further developing our place in WordPress Sweden. Read more about it here.
A major part of the change process has been the development of our visual expression. It takes about 50 milliseconds for a user to form the opinion that a website is worth staying on, or leaving, which places high demands on us who work with user-friendliness, colour, shape and content.
The aim of the new identity has been to reinforce the coherence between our journey as a company and how we appeal to the market. Since a large part of our business consists of creating websites with WordPress for our customers, we naturally want to be able to showcase our credentials, in as professional and stylish a way as possible.
Red was the right colour
More specifically, the lovely reddish-pink web colour #ff5050 that is extremely present when we present ourselves. In combination with a stripped-down icon language of simple, very graphic figures that in various ways represent our business, we find an expression that is both powerful and a little subtle. After several years of only using Angry Creative in Georgia typeface, it was time for a proper logo to establish ownership of the brand once and for all. When all was said and done, a more unique wordmark was designed with confidence and clarity in mind.

Power and consistency
Avenir is a key element of the new identity. An old favourite designed in 1988 by Adrian Frutiger, it has recently been given a boost in various digital contexts. Nice, we thought, and felt we weren’t afraid of big headlines in confident thickness. As a complementary typeface, we chose Clear Sans, an open source font in multiple weights developed for both print and digital media that is free for everyone to use under a generous licence. Clear Sans is well-balanced and easy to read, which suits us perfectly in longer chunks of body text. Particularly appropriate is its free availability, given our commitment to open source, as well as the community aspect of WordPress and the web at large.
Simplify, for clarity
Creating a new website with a completely new visual expression takes time and resources, so we have deliberately chosen to scale down rather than add, and let what we really want to say take place instead. The new angrycreative.se is a foretaste, a new roadmap and the first steps towards becoming Sweden’s most technologically advanced WordPress agency.