Enoteca: Italian food & design

Some time ago, we helped Restaurang Enoteket create a new website. Enoteket is a breath of fresh air in Norrköping’s restaurant life, with many completely new concepts within the framework of their business. In addition to the lunch service, the evening restaurant and a “tag system” for purchases, they have in collaboration with Norrköping Science Park a Coffice section.

The requirements for the website were many. The design had to reflect the interior of the restaurant and their logo (which was inspired by the Italian football team Roma, of course).


In addition to this, some functionality was required to run the site properly. We built functions to schedule the day’s lunch, optimised the menu for printing, etc.

Enoteket also received help with its strategy. By actively blogging and publishing these posts as well as other news on their Facebook page, they quickly went to nearly 1000 “likes”, and a very lively and popular restaurant.

For the future, we built in support to later add allergy information to each dish and lots of other things.
