A day in the life of… marketing intern Isabella Quach

David Lockie: Thank you for taking your time to talk to me today! Let’s start from the beginning. How did you end up wanting to work in marketing?

Ever since high school, I’ve been interested in working in marketing. I studied economics in high school and there was a choice between two different specialisations – accounting or marketing. I always chose marketing because it’s fun and allows you to be creative.

DL: That’s great. You’re doing your internship at Angry Creative for three months at the moment and are doing a project, creating a measurement plan with me which is quite challenging. There’s been a lot going on! Was it as you had expected? What has been different from what you have expected?

To be honest, I like the set-up very much because it has been very clear since the start. Already when we had an interview, I asked you about the set-up and you were very clear with a measurement plan, which made me feel confident that we had an approximate set-up of what I would do each week. I felt that the internship would be good as it was structured.

DL: Is it what you expected? Has it become more difficult or slightly easier?

I would say the first few weeks were quite challenging as you were on holiday and gave me quite a lot of tasks. I guess it was because you wanted me to have something to work on while you were away, so I don’t mind. It was a bit much but it wasn’t something that bothered me very much. I am a person who likes to complete my tasks so I had some to work on. Even though it was a lot, I think it was good because I learnt a lot.

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DL: That’s nice. Let’s imagine that I am currently a student and looking for an internship. What would you say is different about the day-to-day experience, being in a training programme and in a business environment? What have you become used to?

I have definitely got used to routines and planning: what I have to do during the day. It’s quite similar to school but it’s more practical instead. I feel like I can ask you about anything, for example, that I’m not sure about, which is good because you’re available. For example, we’ve worked on some tasks together that I didn’t know about before [we’ve worked a lot with Google’s Help/Hub/Hero content strategy that you introduced]. It was very new and useful.

DL: It sounds like it’s less structure, more hands-on and a lot of learning.

I like it because it is. I like it because I feel I can develop here.

DL: That’s a good transition to the next question which is: let’s say you finish school. What would you like to do with everything you’ve learnt, your skills. What would your dream job be after school?

I think this is very fun because I get to analyse and try to find solutions to everything. It’s very interesting, for example, how a customer behaves and finding solutions to attract customers. These are the kinds of challenges I like to solve. So absolutely, I would like to continue working on this.

Isabella Quach profilbild

DL: Could you tell us what a day in the life of your internship would be like?

Absolutely. I wake up and prepare myself about what to do during the day. It’s flexible hours, sometimes I try to start work at 7 a.m., to finish at 3 p.m. Most of the time I start at 8 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have meetings with you. If there is something I don’t understand or am stuck on, I will ask you. Otherwise, I try to find solutions myself first and then continue with what I’m doing. I like my day to be structured. What was so good in the beginning was that everything was planned and that I got a good introduction about the company; the web agency and the product itself. That way I know what I am doing and why I am doing it.

DL: What do you do in your spare time after work? Do you go for a run or what do you do?

After I finish my internship, I usually go to the gym. If I’m not working out, I’m moonlighting at a furniture and decoration store. Exercise has helped me to think clearly and I feel much better after a workout. I really love it.

DL: What do you do when you work out? Do you lift weights or do you like to do cardio?

Yes, I lift weights. I’m still pretty strong 😂 I would say. Maybe not so much on the upper body but my legs are pretty strong.

DL: Does lifting help when you work at the furniture store? Do you lift tables and show what you can do?

I handle orders and deal with the till so I’m not required to lift at work!

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DL: That’s nice. Let’s say you’ve had a long day at work and you’ve been to the gym, how do you relax later in the evening?

I wouldn’t start by watching a series because then I probably wouldn’t have stopped watching it! Sometimes I click around on YouTube and watch vlogs – influencers who vlog about themselves and their lives.

Sometimes I meet my friends. In Sweden, they are releasing restrictions tomorrow which means you can be out as usual. In the past, restaurants and bars have been open until a certain time. I would like to say that I don’t have much free time left, but I try to balance everything: practice, training and school. Yeah, so everything I have going on now takes all my time.

DL: That sounds like a good balance! Thanks for telling me about your day. Is there anything else you’d like to tell people who might be considering an internship or thinking about working in marketing?

I am very happy with my internship and am grateful to be here. I have talked to my classmates about their internships. Most internships are not as structured as I have been, which I am very happy with. I like to have everything planned and documented. I also think you and I get along well and work well together. Everyone has been very nice and welcoming, which has contributed to a nice atmosphere. I get inspired and motivated to perform better.

DL: That’s great to hear! I’m glad you like it here. Thanks for sharing this with us today!

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