The time we locked ourselves up for a week to get better.

2018 is finally here and for us at Angry Creative, the first week of the year means hack week. This means we’re locking ourselves in the office and spending the whole week focusing on internal projects and developing skills to get even better. Some projects will also contribute to the community by releasing them as open source.

How does the hack week work?

We continuously collect different ideas and thoughts about plugins and functionality in our work with WordPress and WooCommerce. We come up with ideas for how our work processes could be even better and smoother. There are thoughts about projects we would like to develop, simplify or polish. We come across problems that we want to solve in a neater and better way.

During this hack week, we selected some of these thoughts and ideas that we have gathered since last time and made them into delimited projects. Then, together and in smaller groups, we focused our efforts on solving them. By the end of the week, we had deepened our knowledge while improving our products and services. Some of these projects and plugins are then kept internally for our customers and some projects are shared as open source with the community.

During this hack week, the first of the year, we have focused on four main areas.

  • Get ridiculously better at Unit Testing.
  • Our default theme, Qala, which underpins all our projects. Thanks to the solid foundation that Qala provides, we save each client hundreds of hours on every project.
  • Our solution for how to seamlessly work with products across multiple sites in a WooCommerce multisite network.
  • A solution to link Bank ID to customer logins. This way you can be 100% sure that the customer is who they say they are.

WordPress Meetup

This time the hack week ends with a WordPress Meetup at the office in Norrköping. This time the theme is Cultural issues in organizations that work with development or Building better developers and developer organizations.

The evening starts with a lecture in English from Bjørn Ensover Johansen – What does it take to be a REAL developer? After that, our own Samuel Sapire will talk about Culture for fast-growing developer organizations. The evening will end with a panel discussion. See you there, right?
