Transparency and open source are at the heart of what we do – and the same applies here. To keep things running smoothly and make this site even better over time, we use cookies. Some are essential, while others help us understand what we can improve. It’s entirely up to you how much you choose to share with us!
Without these, things won’t work properly. These cookies keep the site running – handling navigation, security, and making sure you can access what you need. That’s why they can’t be switched off.
These cookies remember your settings and preferences, so the site adapts to your choices. They’re not essential, but they do make things feel a bit more like home.
The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes.
Used purely for number crunching. These cookies tell us what’s working and what’s not – like which pages people visit and how long they stay – so we can improve the experience.
These cookies help us show you content and ads that actually make sense. They track what’s relevant – both here and across the web – so you don’t get bombarded with random stuff.