High quality online radiology courses

E-commerce, LMS

Erad offers interactive and high-quality online courses in radiology for doctors and medical students. The course content, led by experienced specialists, covers various areas of radiology and is available on demand. The focus is on both practical and theoretical knowledge with the aim of preparing participants to deal with real medical situations.

What did we do?



Backend development




Consulting services

Digital strategy


Design services

Dedicated hosting

The development of eRAD’s digital foundation

Before our collaboration, Erad was in the situation where they had to start creating a digital presence. They completely lacked an online platform to effectively offer and manage their specialized radiology courses. This digital absence not only limited their training opportunities. It also affected their operational efficiency in delivering first-class content to a wide audience of healthcare professionals and students, which was crucial to improving learning and training in radiology.

Tailored e-learning platform for eRAD

To help Erad, we developed a customized learning management system (LMS) using the Qala framework, known for its cost-effectiveness and reliable functionality. This customized platform was created for Erad’s unique needs, enabling efficient distribution of their radiology courses online and expanding their reach and impact. The system also simplified administrative tasks, improved course administration for Erad’s team, and increased accessibility and learning experiences for users.

If you have similar challenges to Erad, don’t hesitate to contact us at Angry Creative. We are ready to guide you, starting with a meeting with our founder, Jimmy Rosén.

Book a meeting today!

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