Baricol Bariatrics
Digital and holistic lifestyle concept for a healthy life after surgery.
Baricol Bariatrics emerged from doctors, dieticians and medical specialists. With a focus on health and well-being after gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery, they have developed not only vital supplements but a flexible website and app to support those recovering from their surgery.

What did we do?

Backend development
Interaction design
Consulting services

Content strategy
Content design
Front-end development
Dedicated hosting
More than vitamins and minerals
Baricol offers so much more than just a vitamin and mineral supplement. They work on many levels, in the healthcare sector, with a goal of lifelong commitment to a healthy and necessary lifestyle. With the aim of tailoring a product for those who have undergone weight loss surgery, Baricol can provide support and advice through a functional website and mobile app. This is where we came in, together we redesigned their website focusing on the customer journey, brand positioning and streamlining their CRM integrations.

Improving user experience through design
Using user research, improved design and implementing a brand new look that improved the user experience, we redesigned their product pages with a new subscription offering that modernized their CRM integrations to fit their brand strategy.

Qala Multimarket
Qala Multimarket is a much appreciated add-on by our clients, one of them Baricol. Qala Multimarket allows them to manage all their sites and capture the target audience where they are. It also facilitates payments and order management, all for a more efficient solution. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Baricol and following their development!