Blog Archive

An interview with Angry Creative founder Jimmy Rosén
I spoke to Angry Creative’s founder Jimmy Rosén to learn more about how it all started what he wants to…

Angry Creative AB buys Pragmatic Ltd
Today we’re delighted to announce that Pragmatic Ltd. Pragmatic is one of the UK’s best-known WordPress agencies specialising in WordPress…

We welcome five new faces!
After a wonderful holiday period things are now starting to roll on as usual again and to kick-start the autumn…

85% faster WooCommerce & improvements in WP-CLI
While preparing iDeal of Sweden for Black Friday we encountered a problem with how WooCommerce handles discount coupons

3 ways to boost your digital sales in WooCommerce
We at Angry Creative work daily to find smart solutions and ways for our customers to develop their business and…

We are named both Gazelle company & Super company!
We were recently named both a Gazelle company by Dagens Industri and a Super Company by Veckans affärer