Blog Archive

A few words about our new identity
Welcome to have we seen it before? As the attentive return visitor has probably noticed we look a little…

Wanted: Web developer
We are a small web agency that wants to do great things on the web

Angry Creative expands and renews. And turns 3 years as AB.
We are now celebrating three years as a limited company. We are leaving a successful year of hard work behind…

Rent a place with us!
This summer we acquired brand new super-fresh premises! We are growing at a steady pace and believe we will continue…

Real-time log monitoring with Splunk
Because we sell support contracts. There are many reasons why things can happen. We often take over responsibility for other…

Say hello to Oscar, our new intern!
Hi my name is Oscar Johnson. I’m currently studying Media Engineering at Linköping University. When I’m not at school I…
Angry Creative turns 2 years old!
Angry Creative turns two years old in September and it’s time to tell you what we’ve been up to

Hello there Erik Månsson, Art Director.
Erik is our new office mate who shares a room with us here at the agency