Giving back: Our development & contribution to Open Source 2015

2015 has been an exciting year. Our customers have made us push the boundaries of what can be done with WordPress & WooCommerce with applications in document management, intranet and e-commerce. The increased pressure has made us grow from 5 to 11 people. This has allowed us to contribute more than ever to the open source projects that have benefited us over the years.

In 2015, we have mainly been able to contribute with our own plugins, WooCommerce and to the community in general through organizing events. We hope our efforts inspire others and that more of our customers dare to invest in generalizing parts of their own projects to be released as open source!

Why is open source important?

Our business is possible thanks to open source. We are a WordPress development agency but in addition to WordPress we use a variety of other open source projects for our daily work. We believe in open source as a force for positive change for both the poor student in Norrköping and the multinational company.

Open source breaks down economic and knowledge barriers by being accessible to everyone and helping people work with each other rather than against each other. What we invest in open source comes back to us many times over. That’s why we choose to spend at least 5% of our time on open source projects and other improvements and join the ‘Five for the future.


During the year we increased from 3 to 5 plugins that we maintain on We contributed code to WooCommerce and published all our open source projects on Github.

Organizing events & sharing knowledge

During the year we helped organize WordCamp Norrköping 2015 which is the largest WordPress meetup in Sweden and sanctioned by the WordPress foundation. In addition to this, we gave speeches at #wpbar Jönköping, wpsthlm meetup #2 & Internetdagarna. In total, there were 5 lectures at 4 different events.
2016 will be even more amazing!

In 2016 we have a lot of exciting projects and from all indications we will see a similar growth in the coming year. We want Angry Creative to lead by example in the Swedish WordPress community and will therefore aim for even more contributions to the open source community and for more open source lovers to join our cause during the year.

We look forward to meeting our industry colleagues at WordCamps, meetups & other events. Happy new year!
