The web agency Angry Creative has been nominated for the award “Ambassador of the Year in Norrköping”. The award is given to a company or organization that in its daily work is a good ambassador for Norrköping and the Östergötland region. The nominations have been prepared by the real estate company Lundbergs.
Winners of the award in previous years are obvious symbols of Norrköping, such as the football team IFK Norrköping.
The other nominees for this year are: FKC Scorpio(Bråvalla Festival) and Kolmårdens Djurpark. We feel extremely grateful for the nomination. This nomination puts us together with a very meritorious group of companies that put Norrköping on the map and bring life to the Östergötland region.
The motivation reads as follows:
The angry creators have in the last two years quadrupled their workforce – and premises. Through hard work and responsiveness, they are changing the digital world. They believe in collaboration, and through international partnerships with other WordPress agencies, they solve problems and create opportunities.
In January 2016, they were accepted into the partner program in Woo Experts, the official partner program for WooCommerce e-commerce experts, and since February this year they are the only Swedish Gold Partner in WooExperts.
The winner will be announced on May 11th at Näringslivsgalan in Norrköping.