Angry Creative expands and renews. And turns 3 years as AB.

We are now celebrating three years as a limited company. We are leaving a successful year of hard work behind us and heading towards an exciting new year.

Bigger, better, more secure.

Over the past year, we have invested heavily in internal development to become the company we want to be. Nothing has been left untouched. Everything from our internal processes and routines to our graphic profile has been under constant change during the year. Many big and important things that we have wanted to do for a long time we have managed to achieve, others we have just realised.

We changed our graphic profile & tone of voice

We have made a total change in our graphic profile and how we address our customers. We have a great network and deliver great things to our customers. We see ourselves as a business partner that supports our customers at every step if the customer so wishes. We have focused on emphasising the value we deliver to our customers rather than telling them exactly what technologies we have worked with.

One problem we have is that many people think of us as a technology agency. But we’re also good at design and strategy, which is something people tend to forget when they talk about us. We want to change that.

New premises with room for expansion

As we are in a constant state of improvement, we are also in a constant state of growth. This means that we have expanded and become more this year as well. That’s why we’ve also taken the plunge and made a major investment in our working environment. With prestigious premises that we enjoy working in and where there is room to grow, we will do something fantastic in the years to come.

Significantly improved management

Support & management of WordPress solutions is a cornerstone of our business. We’re good at it, which is why we see tremendous development potential in terms of automation and tool improvements. Over the past year, we have developed our processes and tools to the extent that we leave most of our competitors behind us with completely unique tools and opportunities. Some we have shared here on the blog, such as how we do Log Monitoring and how we look for common problems with our Inspector. Some other things we keep to ourselves, such as our visual comparison testing tool.

Unfortunately, we are not yet completely flawless, but every month we are getting closer to our vision of providing the management service that offers the most unbeatable guarantees on the market for our customers.

Many thanks to all our customers and partners who believe and trust us!
