Angry Creative receives WooExpert Gold status

As of February 22nd, Angry Creative is officially the only Swedish Gold Partner in WooExperts, the official partner program for WooCommerce e-commerce experts.

We were admitted to the partner program in January 2016 at the silver level and have during the past year helped a number of customers with their e-commerce ventures in WordPress and WooCommerce in both large and small projects. We look forward to the opportunity to deepen our collaboration with Automattic / WooCommerce.

We have also been invited to speak on stage during WooConf 2017, which will be held in Seattle October 18-20, where we will talk about how we made WooCommerce scale for iDeal of Sweden.

For more information, please contact:
Jimmy Rosén
CEO, Angry Creative
[email protected]
010 – 762 44 42

Angry Creative’s WooExperts profile
