Angry Creative is proud to announce that we have been accepted into WooExperts, the official partner program for WooCommerce experts. WooCommerce is in short E-commerce for WordPress and is used as a basic component in making E-commerce websites, subscription services and more.
We have consistently been able to demonstrate good quality and high skill in the productions we have done for clients reviewed by WooThemes / Automattic and become the first company in the Nordic region to be accepted into the partner program.
How does this help our customers?
As a customer of ours, you know that you get quality in your orders, priority support and fully managed solutions. This is nothing new. What is new is that we now have direct access to the developers responsible for accepting changes & receiving bug reports for WooCommerce and have full visibility and influence in the internal forums that exist where the future of the product (WooCommerce) is discussed and designed. We also have direct access to all extensions available on the official marketplace.
All in all, this raises our ability to influence WooCommerce development and raises us as a supplier for customers who need a stable supplier with high competence and who invest in e-commerce with WordPress.
For more information, contact:
Jimmy Rosén
CEO, Angry Creative
[email protected]
010 – 762 44 42