On Wednesday 24 April, I (Jimmy Rosén) who leads Angry Creative was honoured with the award “Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Norrköping”. The prize is a travelling prize awarded to business leaders under the age of 35 who run a business with employees.
The motivation is as follows:
Jimmy Rosén who owns and runs the company Angry Creative has been named Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Norrköping 2013.
Jimmy uses networking as an opportunity to develop his business. Through his presence in various events, he builds his and the company’s brand.
Starting in Jimmy’s student room, Angry Creative has evolved into a web agency that offers its clients services based on WordPress and open source.
With great integrity, Jimmy claims the benefit of what he and Angry Creative believe in, and it is proven that there is a market.
With great integrity, Jimmy claims the benefit of what he and Angry Creative believe in and, demonstrably, there is a market.
At the same time, Jimmy offers his knowledge in various forums and is thus an example of how the knowledge society is based on shared knowledge developing entrepreneurship as opposed to the closeness and secrecy of the industrial society.
Programming websites of the highest quality is something Jimmy is really passionate about. He is also keen to help clients gain valuable insights that can be turned into business opportunities.
His and the company’s motto is: we make the internet beautiful!
Jimmy is a great role model for other young entrepreneurs and shows that an entrepreneur can develop his business based on knowledge and a strong will.
Of course, we at Angry Creative think this is super fun and wish to thank our customers, partners & friends for all the help.
- Folkbladet: http://www.folkbladet.se/nyheter/default.aspx?articleid=6374521
- Norrköpings Tidningar: http://www.nt.se/nyheter/?articleid=8515843
- Norrköping Municipality: http://www.norrkoping.se/arbete-naringsliv/naringsliv/nyheter/2013/jimmy-rosen-angry-creativ/index.xml
- Norrköping Science Park: http://www.nosp.se/om-oss/nyheter/årets-unga-företagare-finns-i-vårt-kluster.aspx
- Linköping University: http://www.liu.se/liu-nytt/arkiv/nyhetsarkiv/1.459089?l=sv