Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization is about getting visitors of your site to convert into customers. Once you get the visitor to your site via Keyword Optimization (SEO), you want them to act and take action. This is where Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) comes in handy.

Why should I invest in conversion rate optimization?


Let’s say that you have 100 visitors per week, where the number of visitors who actually buy from you is 10. This gives you a conversion rate of 10%. Since conversion rate optimization is about converting the current visitors you have to customers, there is no focus on increasing the number of visitors. You should therefore not try and increase the number of customers to 20 by increasing the number of visitors to 200. The focus instead lies on increasing the conversion rate, which in this case is 10%. This is to maximize profits and reduce the cost of each sale you make.

Which are the relevant tests, and why should we do them?

It is important to examine your initial situation, to test how visitors perceive the current website and how they behave on it. There are different ways to do this. A primary step is seeing if and how well Google Analytics works, which then should be followed up by tests performed with tools such as Hotjar. Through these services, we collect data relevant to the purpose of the measurements and tests. One thing that is important to remember is to collect the right kind of data. Depending on what service you offer, you likely have a particular need that is to be satisfied, and thus, you want visitors to act in a certain way. You, therefore, need to do tests on precisely what information and what form of expression is required in order to get visitors to behave in that desired way. Tests that are relevant to E-commerce can, for example, be testing the functionality for purchases. To go in as a visitor, add a product to the shopping cart, order, and checkout. If the website has a self-service section, that is also relevant to test, either manually or via Selenium tests,  meaning having a computer acts as a visitor. From the acquired data you then draw conclusions on what problems exist on your website. 


Once data has been collected and formulated, both in terms of what is problematic but also what the existing strengths of the website are, it is appropriate to start performing A / B testing. These tests mean comparing different versions of the website against each other to see which designs yield the best results. This can be done by making two similar pages where minor elements in the design differ, such as the size and placement of the purchase button. Through services such as Optimizely, the changes are made on one of the pages and the visitors are then divided into two groups, an A-group that is sent to the original version and a B-group that is sent to the new optimized version. In the case of a successful A / B test, the modifications from the version that had an increased conversion rate can be implemented. A number of similar tests take place one after the other, the number of groups tested may also increase as you move along in the testing.

When should you use conversion rate optimization?

A prerequisite for a successful conversion rate optimization is that the number of visitors is large enough.

  • A well-established website can benefit more from a conversion rate optimization strategy.
  • For a smaller new website, it may be appropriate to initially invest in increasing traffic, through Keyword Optimization (SEO) or Google AdWords and then use conversion rate optimization once a sizeable number of weekly visitors have been established.

How can we help?

We can help you with a successful conversion rate optimization strategy through an analysis of your current situation, the goals you have for your web presence, and conducting detailed tests. We help create the conditions for success with your particular conversion rate optimization without wasting any energy or resources.